OBS scene switch should be allowed only in case OBS is one of the predefined scene.
OBS scene switch should remember the scene what we got before we switch to an another scene, and there should be an option to return to start scene at the end of the animation.
a) switch to scene Big cam
b) delay 20 sec
c) return to start scene
Example 1:
a) OBS is in Break scene
→ Animation is triggered: No scene switch, as this is not allowed (viewer lost his points or it is refunded if it is possible )
Example 2:
a) OBS is in S2 scene
→ Animation is triggered:
I) Scene S2 is remembered as start scene
II) OBS switch to scene Big cam
III) Delay 20 sec
IV) OBS switch back to start scene S2
But it should somehow work, as the other app I am using now (and want to switch off), is doing the same. I have about 4 “camera” scene, what is randomly switched with OBS “Advanced Scene Switcher”. So this is why I can not say, which scene is on before the viewer want to switch to 5th scene (big guitar camera in my case )
So…I never checked, but maybe it is possible to ask OBS over Websocket, how the actual scene is called? And Lumia has to remember, what was the scene and switch back to that one at the end of the animation.
With this, you could get the actual scene and store it before a scene change. And with the scene switch option “back to start scene” it will be possible to get back the original scene.