Entrance music not going to OBS

Hey there,

I am using lumia to set up entrance music and image for kick.com. The music is not getting to OBS. however when I made overlays with sounds those are going to OBS just fine. Not sure what I am missing.

In Lumia Stream under settings you set the audio output source.
This source needs to be listened to by OBS.

Hey Sam thanks for answering so fast, I changed the out put but I don’t think OBS is listening to it, as none of my bars in the audio mixer are moving. Do I need to add a source for audio? Or is there another setting in OBS I need to look at? I tried every sound output in lumia and nothing moves the bars. It’s strange that the overlays and hudfx send sound but nothing else does.

I think I got it working. Thank you for the tip, I made a new source for the speakers in OBS and now I see the entrance alerts moving the sound bars. Thank you for the help.

Glad it works :slight_smile:

Little hint: The browser source and the Lumia app are separate audio sources. The overlay sound in a browser source comes from the “internet” into the browser source (like you open a website and there is sound)

The app is happening directly on your computer and uses the audio routes and sources your hardware gives

Good to know, it makes sense. I am somewhat new to streaming but I understand what you are putting down.

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Follow up question. So I have the entrances switch my scene in OBS however let’s say I am on my starting soon screen and someone comes in it will switch the scene even though I don’t want it to. Is there an if statement or some way to prevent it from switching if I am on certain scenes like BRB etc?

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